Amy Hawkins, Pacific Habitat Services, Portland, Oregon, Environmental Consulting, Wetland Delineation, wetland consultant

Amy Hawkins | Biologist

For over ten years, Amy has conducted wetland delineations and functional assessments, assessed impacts to endangered species, and prepared natural resource assessments to comply with local land use ordinances. She is certified as a Professional Wetland Scientist and is certified by the Oregon Department of Transportation to prepare endangered species effects assessments. At PHS, she regularly prepares biological assessments, no effects determinations, and joint permit applications. Amy is very familiar with local sensitive/critical areas ordinances and works with local jurisdictions to ensure our clients comply with and understand local development codes.

Contact Amy: | 503.570.0800

John van Staveren, PWS
President, Senior Scientist

Shawn Eisner
Wetland Scientist

Ron Gaines
Wildlife Biologist

Dale Groff
Soils and Hydrology Specialist

Carole Hallett
Wildlife Biologist

Amy Hawkins, PWS

Gregg Lomnicky, PhD
Fishery Biologist

Caroline Rim
Wetland Scientist/Biologist

Dale Shank
Restoration Ecologist

Fred Small
Wetland Scientist/Botanist

Craig Tumer, PWS

Eric Campbell
Environmental Project Manager

Lisa Bosca
Computer Graphics/GIS Specialist

Jane LeBlanc
Office Manager/Technical Editor