John van Staveren, PWS | President, Senior Scientist
John directs PHS’s environmental and regulatory compliance activities throughout the Pacific Northwest. With over 23 years of experience, he has conducted hundreds of wetland delineations, numerous local wetland and riparian inventories, prepared dozens of biological assessments, designed and implemented freshwater and estuarine wetland mitigation plans, provided expert witness testimony, and served on four state-appointed technical advisory committees concerning wetland and waterway policy in Oregon. John is certified as a Professional Wetland Scientist and is certified by the Oregon Department of Transportation to prepare endangered species effects assessments.
Contact John: | 503.570.0800
John van Staveren, PWS President, Senior Scientist Shawn Eisner Ron Gaines Dale Groff Carole Hallett Amy Hawkins, PWS Gregg Lomnicky, PhD |
Caroline Rim Wetland Scientist/Biologist Dale Shank Fred Small Craig Tumer, PWS Eric Campbell Lisa Bosca Jane LeBlanc |