Ron Gaines, Pacific Habitat Services, Portland, Oregon,  Wildlife Biologist, fish and wildlife management, endangered species survey, biological and habitat assessment, marbled murrelets, spotted owls, bald eagles, anadromous fish, surveyor trainer, federal master bird banding permit, capture and band spoted owls

Ron Gaines | Wildlife Biologist

Ron has over 36 years in the field of fish and wildlife management. He has designed and implemented surveys for threatened and endangered species on large landscapes, andregularly prepares biological and habitat assessments that address potential impacts to marbled murrelets, spotted owls, bald eagles, and anadromous fish. Ron is certified as a marbled murrelet surveyor trainer and holds a federal master bird banding permit with authorization to capture and band spotted owls.

Contact Ron: | 360.693.0019

John van Staveren, PWS
President, Senior Scientist

Shawn Eisner
Wetland Scientist

Ron Gaines
Wildlife Biologist

Dale Groff
Soils and Hydrology Specialist

Carole Hallett
Wildlife Biologist

Amy Hawkins, PWS

Gregg Lomnicky, PhD
Fishery Biologist

Caroline Rim
Wetland Scientist/Biologist

Dale Shank
Restoration Ecologist

Fred Small
Wetland Scientist/Botanist

Craig Tumer, PWS

Eric Campbell
Environmental Project Manager

Lisa Bosca
Computer Graphics/GIS Specialist

Jane LeBlanc
Office Manager/Technical Editor