Fred Small, Pacific Habitat Services, Portland, Oregon, Environmental Consulting, Wetland Delineation, wetland consultant

Fred Small | Wetland Scientist, Botanist

Fred has worked in the environmental consulting field for the past 19 years. He is an excellent botanist and leads the vegetation monitoring team at PHS. He has delineated hundreds of wetlands, played an important role in a number of local wetland and riparian inventories, prepared numerous wetland mitigation plans, and annually monitors dozens of wetland mitigation sites. Fred regularly conducts rare, threatened, endangered plant and weed surveys throughout Oregon.

Contact Fred: | 503.570.0800

John van Staveren, PWS
President, Senior Scientist

Shawn Eisner
Wetland Scientist

Ron Gaines
Wildlife Biologist

Dale Groff
Soils and Hydrology Specialist

Carole Hallett
Wildlife Biologist

Amy Hawkins, PWS

Gregg Lomnicky, PhD
Fishery Biologist

Caroline Rim
Wetland Scientist/Biologist

Dale Shank
Restoration Ecologist

Fred Small
Wetland Scientist/Botanist

Craig Tumer, PWS

Eric Campbell
Environmental Project Manager

Lisa Bosca
Computer Graphics/GIS Specialist

Jane LeBlanc
Office Manager/Technical Editor